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Liangwei Yong

42 articles

Her eyes shine when exploring the world, her heart beats faster when meeting local people; Liang Wei loves to experience every living moments and record them with her iPhone camera and notes pad. You will probably see her on YouTube ( sharing her daily life as a student studying abroad, or wandering around Sydney neighbourhood in search of good coffee and brunch places. She believes that wherever she goes, she will always find wonder in it.

image for article 金马伦玩法大全: 不容错过的体验
Chinese Content金马伦玩法大全: 不容错过的体验
Liangwei Yong -


image for article 20 间韩国超美的 Airbnb 韩屋住宿推荐
Asia 亚洲20 间韩国超美的 Airbnb 韩屋住宿推荐
Liangwei Yong -


image for article 11个冷门但非常值得一去的日本景点
Chinese Content11个冷门但非常值得一去的日本景点
Liangwei Yong -


image for article 柔佛 必去的 6大 岛屿: 周末好去处!
Chinese Content柔佛 必去的 6大 岛屿: 周末好去处!
Liangwei Yong -

柔佛不只是有 Legoland 而已哦~

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