想要趁着周末或公共假期在国内旅游, 但只能想到槟城极乐寺、 吉隆坡双峰塔、 热浪岛, 又觉得这些地方太主流、 人又多、 而且没新鲜感了吗? 今天,小编就要来向大家介绍一些马来西亚可媲美国外、 鲜为人知的冷门景点吧·!
There isn’t a dream that is as universally gripping as the dream to travel the world. Ask anyone around you and more often than not, they’ll tell you that one of their resolutions for the new year is to travel more.
But there’s so much to see and experience in this world, where exactly should anyone start? Don’t fret, because we’ve come up with a list to get you started on your journey to travel the world in 2020! How many of these can you cross off this year?
The real question here is WHERE to admire this magnificent sight. There’s so many potential locations to choose from. Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Alaska, they’re all fair game!
Whether it’s Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or anywhere else in the world, there’s nothing as magical as taking a walk among cherry blossoms in lovely spring weather.
Some must-visit locations for first-timers are: Zermatt, Lucerne, Zurich, and Gornegrat.
Image credit: Sunrise Odyssey
Don’t look down!
Start from Malaysia (obviously) and work your way up to Thailand and Vietnam! You’ll be needing new pants after this, so be warned!
I’m talking about business class flights, luxurious resorts and top class meals throughout the journey! I think, at least once in our life, if we can afford it, we should experience this sort of pampering.
Instead of blindly following the tourist crowd or latest Instagram fad, why not travel to a less well-known location? You won’t have to contend with hordes of visitors and you might even find a hidden gem while you’re at it! Come on, bring out that adventurer’s spirit!
Also read: 10 Alternative Destinations in Asia to Avoid the Tourist Mobs
We live in a show and tell world. But this year, why not try to go on a vacation where your sole focus isn’t on taking flashy photos for your Instagram feed. Instead of clicking away, admire the scenery and sights with your eyes and let the majesty sink in.
And you thought driving in Malaysia was heart-pumping!
Whether it’s the popular Songkran festival in Thailand or more obscure celebrations like the Boryeong Mud Festival in South Korea, international events like these are often great fun for locals and tourists. So this year, make it an effort to visit one!
Malaysians have a misconception of the Middle East. We often think of it as one big desert. This year, it’s time to dispel those misleading thoughts! Start with the lovely ruins of Petra, Jordan!
Did you know that the movie Avatar was based in large part on this place?
Of course, before we run off to fulfill our lofty dreams of travelling the world, let’s start with things in Malaysia first! Get those hiking boots on, and hike Malaysia’s most famous natural attraction. The view at the top can give any location a run for its money!
WHY are you still reading this? Go! Go and set your plans into motion! Save up and make travel happen in 2020!
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想要趁着周末或公共假期在国内旅游, 但只能想到槟城极乐寺、 吉隆坡双峰塔、 热浪岛, 又觉得这些地方太主流、 人又多、 而且没新鲜感了吗? 今天,小编就要来向大家介绍一些马来西亚可媲美国外、 鲜为人知的冷门景点吧·!
《One World:Together at Home》将于美国时间4月18日(六)2 p.m. (大马时间4月19日 12 a.m. )开始在线上直播,电视直播则从美国时间4月18日(六)8 p.m. (大马时间4月19日 6 a.m.)开始。线上和电视直播演出艺人不同哦!
山峦起伏的森美兰州, 有绿意盎然的美景, 成片成片的热带雨林在雨后更加翠绿, 空气更加新鲜! 这里绝大部分的民宿都以贴近自然为特色, 因此有些民宿甚至让你住进没有无线网络的鸟巢, 真实感受远离世俗和尘嚣的滋味。 今天小编推荐几座值得一去的森美兰民宿。 环境幽静空气新鲜的好地方, 千万不能错过!
每年的跨年大集会, 除了有歌舞升平的好气象之外, 还会有各种烟花大会, 迎接2020的到来~ 为你推荐这些超吸睛的烟火会, 还不赶快带上你最亲爱的去欣赏这份免费的浪漫情怀?!