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Lucas Neo

1 articles

Lucas is always at home researching for his next travel destination. When he’s not doing that, he’s most likely heading to the airport to catch a flight to an exciting location. Lucas enjoys wandering around and exploring beautiful attractions, but he never turns down a spot of retail therapy too.

image for article 2019年赏枫指南: 韩国首尔秋天必去的赏枫景点
Chinese Content2019年赏枫指南: 韩国首尔秋天必去的赏枫景点
Lucas Neo -

大家都知道大韩民国的偶像和护肤品大名鼎鼎, 但是你知不知道它也是秋天必去的国家之一呢?秋天来临时, 韩国的树叶转换成火热的色调, 红色与黄色的枫叶弥漫整国。 天气与气候变得比较凉爽, 促使韩国人们穿上毛线衣, 准备出外观赏美丽的风景。 趁这个最佳时刻去韩国旅游, 看看秋天的风景吧!

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