杨量而, Author at TripZilla Malaysia
18 Articles0 Comments

Liang Yi loves to share her travel story and believes that photo tells a thousand words but “without the written word, leaves half the story untold”. Growing up in a tropical country, she has tanned skin, and is truly an oceanholic. She always enthralled by the ocean air and crystal clear sea. She travels for foods, cultures, enjoys meeting new friends, and always searches for the perfect pastry around the world.


踏入欧洲圣诞市集那一刻每个人必定会雀跃万分,浓厚的圣诞气氛,配上不时传来的圣诞音乐,还闻到一阵阵扑鼻而来的食物香味,怎么能不兴奋呢?可是,是否面对着眼前琳琅满目的美食摊位,却不知所措,不知该从何开始圣诞市集美食之旅 ?那别担心,小编在这里为大家介绍到访欧洲市集必尝的八大美食!…

2024-04-27 08:57:27