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Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Announces His Cabinet Lineup

After much speculation, Malaysia’s new Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri, finally announced his new Cabinet lineup in a live telecast today. On 27 August 2021, the new Premier unveiled that the new Cabinet will not have any Deputy Prime Ministers.

Like the previous administration, however, it will be assisted by four Senior Ministers. Here is the complete line-up:

Senior Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI): Azmin Ali (Bersatu). assisted by Lim Ban Hong (MCA).

Senior Minister of Defence: Hishammuddin Hussein (Umno). assisted by Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz (Bersatu)

Senior Minister of Works: Fadillah Yusof (GPS), assisted by Arthur Joseph Kurup (PBRS).

Senior Minister of Education: Mohd Radzi Md Jidin (Bersatu), assisted by Mah Hang Soon (MCA) and Eddin Syazlee Shith (Bersatu)

Finance Minister: Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, assisted by Mohd Shahar Abdullah (Umno) and Yamani Hafez Musa (Bersatu)

Health Minister: Khairy Jamaluddin (Umno), assisted by Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali (Bersatu) and Aaron Ago Dagang (GPS).

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister: Dr Adham Baba (Umno), assisted by  Ahmad Amzad Hashim (PAS).

Minister of Economy: Mustapa Mohamad (Bersatu), assisted by Eddin Syazlee Shith (Bersatu) 

Special Functions Minister: Abdul Latiff Ahmad (Bersatu), assisted by Mastura Mohd Yazid (Umno).

Minister of Law: Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar (GPS), assisted by Mas Ermieyati Samsudin (Bersatu)

Minister of Religious Affairs: Idris Ahmad (PAS – Senator), assisted by Ahmad Marzuk Shaary (PAS)

Minister of Sabah and Sarawak Affairs: Maximus Johnity Ongkili (GPS), assisted by Hanifah Hajar Taib (GPS)

Minister of Transport: Wee Ka Siong (MCA), assisted by Henry Sum Agong (GPS) 

Minister of Environment and Water: Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (PAS), assisted by Dr. Mansor Othman (Bersatu)

Minister of Human Resources: M Saravanan (MIC), assisted by Haji Awang Hashim (PAS)

Federal Territories Minister: Shahidan Kassim (UMNO), assisted by Jalaluddin Alias (UMNO) 

Minister of Higher Education: Dr Noraini Ahmad (UMNO), assisted by Dr. Ahmad Masrizal Muhammad

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources: Takiyuddin Haji Hassan (PAS), assisted by Ali Anak Biju (UMNO)

Minister of Home Affairs: Hamzah Zainuddin (Bersatu), assisted by Dr Haji Ismail Haji Mohamed Said (UMNO) and Jonathan Yassin (Bersatu)

Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries: Ronald Kiandee (Bersatu). assisted by Ahmad Hamzah (UMNO), and Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh (PAS)

Minister of Rural Development: Mahdzir Khalid (UMNO), assisted by Abdul Rahman Mohamad (UMNO), and Hasbi Habibollah (PBB)

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Saifuddin Abdullah (Bersatu), assisted by Kamarudin Jaffar (Bersatu)

Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs: Alexander Nanta Linggi (GPS), assisted by Rosol Wahid (Bersatu) 

Minister of Communications and Multimedia: Annuar Musa (Umno), assisted by Zahidi Zainul Abidin (Umno)

Minister of Housing and Local Government: Reezal Merican Naina Merican (Umno), assisted by Ismail Abd Muttalib (Umno)

Minister of Entreprenuer Development and Cooperatives: Noh Omar (Umno), assisted by Muslimin Yahaya (Bersatu)

Minister of Plantations and Commodities: Zuraida Kamaruddin (Bersatu), assisted by Wee Jeck Seng (MCA), and Willie Mongin (Bersatu)

Minister of Tourism, Art, and Culture: Nancy Shukri (GPS), assisted by Edmund Santhara (Bersatu)

Minister of National Unity: Halimah Mohamed Sadique (Umno), assisted by Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal (Bersatu-Senator)

Minister of Youth and Sports: Ahmad Faizal Azumu (Bersatu), assisted by Ti Lian Ker (MCA-Senator)

Minister of Women, Family and Community Development: Rina Harun (Bersatu), assisted by Dato’ Hajah Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff (PAS) 

The ministers will all be sworn in at a ceremony at Istana Negara on Monday 30 August 2021. PM Ismail noted that the ministers will have to prove their efficiency within the first 100 days and work hard to tackle the raging pandemic. What do you think of the new Cabinet, Malaysians? 

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About Author


Darren enjoys travelling, photography and good food. He loves cultural experiences and exciting adventures and is no stranger to travelling alone. When he's not putting his travel experiences into words, he's probably sitting behind his laptop, planning his upcoming adventure.

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