Liangwei Yong, Author at TripZilla Malaysia - Page 5 of 6
Liangwei Yong
Liangwei Yong
47 Articles0 Comments

Her eyes shine when exploring the world, her heart beats faster when meeting local people; Liang Wei loves to experience every living moments and record them with her iPhone camera and notes pad. You will probably see her on YouTube ( sharing her daily life as a student studying abroad, or wandering around Sydney neighbourhood in search of good coffee and brunch places. She believes that wherever she goes, she will always find wonder in it.


毗邻新加坡的新山位于马来西亚半岛的最南端, 是于柔佛首府。 这座城市有传统的古早味, 也有新颖的歌剧院, 很适合和朋友或家人到访游玩。 新加坡的朋友和马来西亚的朋友们若是想到这个地方进行一日游, 可以参考以下为大家整理出的新山必吃小吃与必到的景点!…


虽然不丹不是个像韩国、 日本或甚至是印度那样热门的旅游景点, 这个国度却也散发着它独特的魅力。然而, 想要到访不丹并没有那么简单。 许多人也都认为要抵达这个神秘的国度是件非常艰难的事。 所以, 在你前往不丹进行你的精神之旅前, 小编为你整理了10个你必知的事!…

2024-04-23 21:55:23