《One World:Together at Home》演唱会大马观看时间

行管令在我国落实后,相信不少大马人呆在家都开始有些无聊了吧!别担心,这周末有经典的节目哦!只要有经常游览社交媒体,都应该有看到关于美国巨星Lady Gaga和世界卫生组织(WHO)一起举办的《One World:Together at Home》线上演唱会的宣传吧!

此活动除了有Lady Gaga还有许多著名的明星参与哦!其中包括Taylor Swift,歌剧明星Andrea Bocelli,Sam Smith,Alicia Keys, Elton John, Celine Dion, Usher, Stevie Wonder还有更多哦!当然,亚洲也有不少巨星参与,其中加入的有张学友,陈奕迅,韩团Super M等。就连足球男神贝克汉姆也将出席!

《One World:Together at Home》将于美国时间4月18日(六)2 p.m. (大马时间4月19日 2 a.m. )开始在线上直播。值得一提的是线上和电视直播演出艺人不同哦!


欲知详情,记得守住《One World:Together at Home》公网面子书的更新哦!这周末,我们一起观看经典的演唱会吧!免费的哦!


Darren enjoys travelling, photography and good food. He loves cultural experiences and exciting adventures and is no stranger to travelling alone. When he's not putting his travel experiences into words, he's probably sitting behind his laptop, planning his upcoming adventure.

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