Darren, Author at TripZilla Malaysia - Page 14 of 30
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Darren enjoys travelling, photography and good food. He loves cultural experiences and exciting adventures and is no stranger to travelling alone. When he's not putting his travel experiences into words, he's probably sitting behind his laptop, planning his upcoming adventure.

为鼓励乘客使用非接触式登记, 亚航 开始征收柜台登记费

经常乘坐 亚航 AirAsia航班的人注意啦:  亚航 昨日 (9月1日) 起已开始征收柜台登记费! 据公司表示: 之所以采取此行动主要是在疫情的期间鼓励乘客使用非接触式登记。 而亚航也已在全国各各机场安装了非接触式自助登记亭, 也推出了升级版的手机应用程序以提高运营效率, 希望可以为乘客带来更多便利。 国内航班征收RM20; 出国RM30 据了解, 目前柜台登记费为国内航班20令吉, 而国际航班…

2024-04-30 16:43:10